CAS Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Dr. Andrew Tuimur Visit to LVNWWDA

Performance contracting is a freely negotiated agreement on the execution of services between a government and a state corporation. The Government of Kenya uses Performance contracts to measure the performance of public entities in key areas such as service delivery, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and revenue generation. In addition, PC also enables public entities to: clarify their objectives, identify customer orientation, increase productivity, cost reduction, and improved service delivery.


The CAS, Water Sanitation & Irrigation, Hon. Dr. Andrew Tuimur, The Chairman Board of Directors, Hon. Julius Bakasa Wasike, HSC, Director Anne Chilande, Director Paul Asele, the C.E.O Eng. Samson Peter Gongi , CPA. Elizabeth Ngala, Eng. George Odedeh, Madam Nelly Mkoko, CPA Fred Toloyi and Mr. Tom Musungu pose for a photo after the signing of PC exercise.





“Legal Notice 114 on the Kenyan Gazette Supplement No. 139, Public Service Commission Act, (No.10 of 2017), the Public Service Commission (Performance Management) regulations, 2021, part IV- Institutional Performance Management” provides the legal framework governing Performance Contract of public bodies, e.g. Signing of PCs to be done annually: in the first quarter of every Financial Year and the mandatory requirements for monitoring, evaluation and submission of quarterly and annual reports to the Government.

Appertaining to this, on 4th August 2022, the CAS Water Sanitation and Irrigation- Hon. Dr. Andrew Tuimur visited LVNWWDA to oversee the signing of the agency’s Performance Contract. Also in attendance was the Chairman, Board of Directors- Hon. Julius Bakasa Wasike- HSC, Director Anne Chilande, Director Paul Asele, The C. E.O Eng. Samson Peter Gongi, Corporation Secretary-Mrs. Elizabeth Ngala, Chief Manager Technical Services- Eng. George Odedeh, Chief Manager Corporate Services- Madam Nelly Mkoko, Manager Finance- CPA Fred Toloyi and Manager Corporate Communications- Mr. Tom Musungu. On behalf of the Board of directors, the chairman welcomed the CAS and conveyed his gratitude to the ministry for the ceaseless support bestowed to the agency.

The CAS, Dr. Tuimur in his brief speech, emphasized on the need to have SMART targets geared towards not only attaining the agency’s vision of ‘Universal Access to Water and Sanitation’ but also the ministry’s’ vision: “To ensure water resources availability and accessibility by all.” Additionally, he emphasized on the need to align the PC with government priorities and the budgetary allocations. Moreover, he urged the agency’s management to strive towards implementing the PC and ensure timely submission of quarterly and annual reports to the ministry. Implementing and executing the set targets of the Performance Contract will enable the agency to realize the goals of its’ Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and broadly, fulfill its’ mandate and achieve its’ Vision: Universal Access to Quality Water & Sanitation.


The CAS, Water Sanitation & Irrigation, Dr. Andrew Tuimur, The Chairman Board of Directors, Hon. Julius Bakasa Wasike, HSC, the C.E.O Eng. Samson Petrer Gongi & management at the agency’s board room during the signing of PCs exercise.






At the C.E. Os’ Office: The CAS, Water Sanitation & Irrigation, Dr. Andrew Tuimur, The Chairman Board of Directors, Hon. Julius Bakasa Wasike, HSC and the C.E.O Eng. Samson Peter Gongi








The CAS, Water Sanitation & Irrigation, Dr. Andrew Tuimur, The Chairman Board of Directors, Hon. Julius Bakasa Wasike, HSC and the C.E.O Eng. Samson Petrer Gongi.






Knowledge Management is a discipline involving the process by which organizations capture, organize, store, analyze and effectively manage their information in a way that is easily accessible by employees. With knowledge management comes employee growth & development, improved organization efficiency, increased rate of innovation and productivity. To comprehend and have a practical insight in Knowledge Management, LVNWWDA staff of the Strategy and Planning department: Strategy and Research Unit, participated in a 2days (27th – 28th July 2022) benchmarking exercise on knowledge management at Kenya Forest Research Institute, Nairobi. The S& R unit comprised of Mr. Evans Galileo, Rachael Shenah and Phiddy Adhiambo. Accompanying them was the Manager ICT, Mr. Julius Nyangor and the records management assistant, Mr. Paul Makokha. The exercise was facilitated by KEFRI knowledge management champions from various departments: piloted by Ms. Sheila Mburu. The key thematic areas covered were: strategic positioning of KM and integration into the organization, motivation and acceptance of knowledge management, knowledge management processes and tools/ software implementation, staffing needs, knowledge management measurement and value demonstration, records and archives management and the library section Incorporation of Knowledge Management in strategic management will enable the agency to easily achieve and articulate its’ roles & functions. Moreover, it will help in creating a smooth transition and retention of knowledge for purposes of sustainability. This will not only enhance stakeholder communication but also enhance the agency’s corporate image.

LVNWWDA & KEFRI team pose for a photo after completion of the benchmarking exercise.


PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT: LVNWWDA Staff attend training on how to plan for retirement at Western Star Hotel.

With employment comes retirement and with retirement comes retirement benefits, that is, the benefits payable to the members of a pension scheme on retirement or early withdrawal from service i.e. retirement pensions and gratuities. In Kenya, the retirement age for public officials is 65years while for persons living with disability is 65year. The retirement benefits industry is regulated by the Retirement Benefits Authority. RBA regulates and supervises the establishment and management of retirement benefits schemes; Protect the interests of members and sponsors of retirement benefits sector; Promote the development of the retirement benefits sector, advise the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury on the national policy to be followed with regard to retirement benefits industry and Implement all government policies relating to the industry. This is in accordance with the retirement benefits act Chapter 197. Moreover, the pensions act (cap 189)- the main act, makes provisions for the granting and regulating the payment of pensions, gratuities & other allowances in respect to the public service officers under the government of Kenya. The pensions department, which falls under tbe National Treasury & planning is tasked with executing this. To be informed on matters retirement benefits, few members of staff from LVNWWDA took part in the Pension annual general meeting and training at Western Star Hotel in Bungoma on 27/8/2022. The team consisted of Eng. Dickson Opiyo, Mrs. Linet Wasaba (Human Resource Manager), Mr. Johannes Salasya, Dr. Jared Okung’u, Mr. Frank Owen, Mr. Edward Luvusi, Mr. Dennis Nyongesa, Mr. Austine Barasa, Mrs. Olive Wewa, Ms. Veronica Ochieng, Ms. Millicent Angote, Mr. Fred Masla, Mr. James Anjaya and Mr. Joseph Lanziva. The training was facilitated by Mr. Tony Amukhale from Octagon Africa and Mr. Ngari David from ICEA Lion. Key thematic areas covered were: Members Education, Service Provision, the reasons and importance of planning for retirement, options in retirement and types of retirement. Mr. Amukhale reiterated on the need for staff to be well informed regarding their entitlements and benefits before hitting the retirement age. Additionally, Mr. Ngari advised the team on the importance of each individual actively participating in matters pertaining to their retirement benefits with utmost severity, for instance through having precise records and updated statements. This will not only be beneficial to them but also to their beneficiaries. The training denotes the agency’s actualization of one of its objectives and strategies: strengthening institutional capacity through empowering staff.

Mr. Amukhale from OCTAGON AFRICA training LVNWWDA Staff during the Pension Annual General Meeting at Western Star Hotel.


The agency has taken key strides in promoting matters environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation & adaptation, for instance, by participating in restoration activities e.g. tree planting, donation of tree seedlings etc.

In addition, LVNWWDA has done and proposed infrastructural development activities geared towards climate change mitigation. Implementing such activities manifests the agency’s affiliation with best practices and reflects the agency’s pro climate change mitigation culture. Moreover, it promotes one of the agency’s values: Environmental protection. In connection to this, LVNWWDA was featured in the 31st July Sunday Nation newspaper: Under the Climate Action 2022 Series (Focus on Water & Sanitation).


Public participation is the inclusion of the public in an organizations activities/ projects that impact them. It enables citizen to participate in the decision making processes that impact their local communities. Additionally, it fosters transparency and openness in government and ensures policy makers have valuable local information.

On 6th June 2022, a team from LVNWWDA led by Eng. Bill from Infrastructure planning & design division held a public participation meeting at the Michimeru Health Center’s Ebukusu location in Bungoma County. Also in attendance was the Hospital Administrator Caren Mabonga.

Flushing and test pumping had been completed on the already-existing borehole in the Michimeru Health Center. Other pending works are the equipping phase, which includes installing solar panels, raising the steel tank, and laying supply pipes to the various water points.

In addition to donating land for water pipes, Michimeru Health Centre agreed to work with the engineers on the project’s design. The project, being funded by the national government is being implemented by LVNWWDA and upon completion will improve water provision at the health center.

(LVNWWDA Staff, Michimeru Health Centre Hospital Administrator/ staff and community representatives at the Public participation meeting held at Michimeru Health Centre)


Public participation refers to the inclusion of the public in matters impacting them locally. It encourages transparency and inclusivity in government processes. In relation to this, on 29th July 2022, a team from LVNWWDA consisting of Mr. Claud Lumumba and Ms. Taffine Adhiambo from the Environment section conducted a public participation meeting at St Paul’s Namuduru Catholic Church in Kakamega County regarding Sidokho Cluster project.

The Namuduru church compound and Mudoriko village, where the project will be situated, had previously undergone drilling. Other pending activities include installation of solar panels. Upon completion, the Sidokho cluster project will improve water provision to the surrounding community.



LVNWWDA Staff and Some of the Community Members in a Public Participation meeting at St. Pauls Catholic Church.





Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency has continued to actuate capital works in the six counties constituting its’ area of jurisdiction. These works have had various development partners e.g. African Development bank, German Government Cooperation (KFW) etc. Additionally, the agency also receives funding from the government of Kenya to implement various infrastructural and development projects: Construction Works for Water Supply and Sewerage Project for the towns of Moi’s Bridge and Matunda being one.

On latitudes & longitudes of 0.8767°, 35.1200° & 0.8272566°, 35.1206893 lie the towns of Moi’s Bridge and Matunda respectively. Simply put, the towns are located along Eldoret- Kitale road, Kakamega County (1 of the 6 counties under the agency’s geographical coverage). Moi’s Bridge has a population of 16,355 people whilst Matunda has a population of 10,807 people: in reference to the 2019 census. To the residents of these towns, access to quality water and sanitation is a dire strait.

In the pursuit of Universal access to quality water and sanitation, LVNWWDA, is set to undertake a major water and sewerage project in the towns of Moi’s Bridge and Matunda. The planned project to be implemented through financing from the Government of Kenya is set to cost Kshs.300million.

Appertaining to this, the agency has invited eligible bidders to tender for the works. (“Construction Works for Water Supply and Sewerage Project for The Towns of Moi’s Bridge and Matunda”: Tender No: LVNWWDA/ W-S/MOI-MTD/2022-2023) by 30th/9/2022:12.00 noon. This was effected through adverts on The Star Newspaper on 6/9/2022, on the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP), the agency’s website and social media platforms.

Subsequently, on 15/9/2022, various interested bidders/ their representations attended a site visit & pre-tender meeting at the agency’s board room as per the tender advert. The meeting, chaired by the Chief Manager Technical Services, Eng. George Odedeh, was aimed at ensuring interested bidders accurately understand the scope and requirements of the project before bidding. Also present was the Manager Procurement Mr. Makari, Eng.Onzere and the agency’s Consultant team from Professional Consultants Ltd. The team tackled all inquiries brought forward e.g. regarding the equipment models. Mr. Makari accentuated on the need to meet all prerequisites for the tender application. To further weigh all variables per situation & the environment, the team left for the site visit afterwards.

The project will commence after successful completion of the procurement processes and other relevant processes. As per the tender documents, the contract duration will be 24months. Upon fruition, the project will yield water production design capacity of 14000m3/ day. Additionally, according to the population projections, the project is set to benefit a population of 103,186 people.

Implementation of this project denotes the agency’s commitment towards achieving its’ mission: To develop, maintain and manage infrastructure for sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure in the agency’s area of jurisdiction. Moreover, it is in fulfilment of Kenya’s Vision 2030.

Tabled below are the components and scope of works for the project:

Component 1: Water Supply consisting of Construction of:


Component 2: Sewerage consisting of construction of:

Moi’s Bridge


General for all components.

  • Electrification of the water treatment plant and the sewerage pumping stations from the National Electricity grid and solar power system
  • Electro-mechanical equipment for the water supply schemes and sewerage pumping stations.
  • Facilities for chemical storage, preparation of buffer solution and dosing for the water supply.
  • Project ancillaries including fences, access road works, parking areas and buildings.

(Both Components are to be implemented concurrently)

Interested bidders/ their representations at the agency’s board room during the site visit & pre-tender meeting.


The Government of Kenya (2003) defines performance contract (PC) as a freely negotiated agreement between the Government, acting as the owner of a Public Enterprise, and the Public Enterprise. PC establishes general goals for the agency, sets targets for measuring performance and provides incentives for achieving these targets.  The objectives of PC include improving service delivery by ensuring accountability and transparency, enhancing efficiency and ensuring proper utilization of resources. The GOK has institutionalized performance in public entities through measuring and evaluating performance; rewarding measurable performance and enforcing governments’ requirements. Evaluation of PCs entails measuring organizations, groups or individual performance against pre-determined targets.

On 29/9/2022, a team of evaluators from Public Service Commission were at LVNWWDA to conduct an evaluation of Performance Contracts for the financial year 2021/2022 at the agency’s board room. The exercise involved assessing set performance targets vs achievements, with each managers/ chief managers defending their departmental PCs that contribute to the agency’s overall PC. Also present was the Chairman Board of Directors, Hon. Julius Bakasa Wasike, HSC and the C.E.O Eng. Samson Peter Gongi.

The PC Evaluation was based on performance criteria such as: Financial stewardship and discipline, Service Delivery, Core mandate, Implementation of presidential directives, Access to government procurement opportunities, Promotion of local content in procurement and Cross cutting issues e.g. road safety and disability mainstreaming.

Evaluation of PCs highlights a clear linkage between strategic plan, work plan implementation and target implementation. This enhances improved service delivery for individual employees/ departments (through cascading of PCs) and the agency in general.   The outcome of the evaluation process will determine how the agency will be ranked against other Water Works Development Agencies.  Meeting targets of the Performance Contract is in line with the agency’s strategic plan 2019/20-2023/24 and broadly, it is aimed towards achieving the agency’s Vision and mission.

The Chairman Board of directors Hon. Julius Bakasa Wasike, HSC, LVNWWDA management team and the evaluators from Public Service at the agency’s lower board room during the PC evaluation exercise

Ag. CEO Eng. S P Gongi & the Ag. Chief Manager Corporate Services Madam Nelly Mkoko during the PC evaluation exercise.


Excellent professionalism in Supply Chain Management demands reputable affiliation with the relevant professional bodies, e.g. Kenya Institute of Supplies Management, Certified Procurement and Supply Professionals of Kenya and Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply. These bodies offer a platform for professional recognition, knowledge expansion, access to relevant certification, information and sector- specific resources/recognition etc.: individually and as an organization.

On 3/10/2022, LVNWWDA was host to Kenya Institute of Supplies Management. This is a national body for professionals in procurement and supply chain in Kenya. Its mandate emanates from the Suppliers Practitioners Management Act No.17 of 2007 which stipulates the legal framework within which the institute is established as a body enhancing learning, development of best practices and application of the same to the practice of procurement and supply chain management

The KISM team comprising of the National Chairman, Mr. John Karani, Mr. Cheboss Juma, Chairman, Western Chapter and Mr. Wilson Wambani paid a courtesy call to the agency. The purpose of the visit was to address the agency’s procurement team: Mr. Makari- the Manager Supply Chain Management, Mr. Edwin Anjilwa- Senior Supply Chain Management Officer and supply chain assistants: Mr. Brian Swahili and Mr. Kibet

They held discussions centered on Procurement professionalism, procurement challenges faced by the LVNWWDA Procurement department e.g. inadequate training and sensitization activities pertaining to the changes on the government’s rules and regulations on matters Supply Chain Management. Additionally, the team was enlightened on the importance of collaboration among practitioners e.g. through participating in benchmarking and workshops.

Afterwards, Mr. Karani presented LVNWWDA with a certificate of appreciation in recognition of the agency’s valuable contribution in promoting Supply chain professionalism. For quality service delivery, stakeholder engagement and staff empowerment, LVNWWDA is keen on future engagements with KISM and other bodies.

Pictured: Mr..Swahili, Mr.Anjilwa, Mr Makari(receiving the certificate), Mr.Karani, Mr. Wambani, Mr.Kibet and Mr.Juma


Project commissioning is the process of assuring that all systems and components of a structure are designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained according to the operational requirements of the owner or final client. A commissioning process may be applied not only to new projects but also to existing units and systems subject to expansion, renovation or revamping. LVNWWDA is mandated to undertake the development, maintenance and management of public water works within its area of jurisdiction. In our bid to achieve this, the agency on 28th to 29th September 2022 undertook commissioning of completed water projects across five counties namely: Bungoma, Busia, Nandi, Uasin Gishu, Kakamega. The projects include: Butieli Water Project, Wanga TVC Borehole Project, Kongoni Rainwater Harvesting Project, Isongo Borehole Water Supply Project, Kaptildil & Kabutie Secondary Water Project, Chepkatet & Ngatit Primary School among others. The three teams were steered by the agency’s Chairman Hon Julius Bakasa (HSC), Director Ann Chilande and Director Samuel Kiptorus.

 Hon. Bakasa led the first team visiting Kakamega and Busia County respectively. He was accompanied by Director Oliver Keverenge, Director John Masaba and staff from the agency. In his speech, he urged the respective County Governments to superintend the projects to realize their full potential in supplying clean and safe water to the residents. He further highlighted that the projects were funded by National Government of Kenya. In attendance were respective county commissioners, and the deputy governor Busia County H.E Dr. Urthur Odera. ‘’I commit my support to LVNWWDA in their service delivery and my office will partner with the County Government to guarantee sustainability of the projects’’ said Dr. Urthur. The Agency’s CEO Eng. Samson Peter Gongi affirmed that the Ministry of water and sanitation in partnership with LVNWWDA is in the process of Solarizing all the water project to save on energy cost. He reiterated that this will go a long way in ensuring universal access to clean and safe water.

Director Anne Chilande and Director Paul Asele steered the second team in commissioning Butieli, Mukwa, Mahanga and Kasosi borehole water projects in Bungoma County. In their respective speeches, the directors underscored the importance of maintaining the water facilities. Bungoma County Commissioner acknowledged the Agency’s efforts in ensuring access to clean and safe water. The CEO was represented by Eng. Odedeh George, he highlighted the scope of works involved in the two projects emphasizing on the importance of effective management of the projects. He stated that the Agency will in future consider extending the works to enable an increase in the coverage. In attendance were: Director Water Bungoma County, Bumula ACC Omingo Oluoch and Kimaet ACC Osodo Samuel.

The third team led by Director Samuel Kiptorus and Director Zipporah Matasi commissioned various projects in Nandi and Uasin Gishu counties. This included: Chepkatet Hills Primary School Borehole Water Supply Project, Ngatit Borehole Water Supply Project, Kaptildil School Water Project, Kabutie Secondary School Water Project and lastly Lirhembe School Borehole Water Supply Project. The projects were handed over to the respective community management committees. The projects also included communal water points and modern flush toilets for both boys and girls. Director Samuel Kiptorus urged the community management committee to own the projects and work with their respective county governments for sustenance. In her address, Director Zipporah Matasi emphasized on the importance of education to the community and appreciated them for the warm welcome.’’ The agency remains committed to its Vision of Universal Access to quality water and Sanitation’’ she stated.

The commissioning was marked by a myriad of activities including tree planting exercise. Trees serve as natural sponges, collecting and filtering rainfall and releasing it slowly into streams and rivers, and are the most effective land cover for maintenance of water quality. The teams planted tree seedlings in different locations within the sites to mark the event.

LVNWWDA commissions projects in Nandi and Uasin Gishu Counties.

LVNWWDA commissions projects in Bungoma County.

LVNWWDA commissions projects in Busia and Kakam

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